With the pandemic has come new school appearances! Many schools are still physically closed like here in California and other areas which is causing children to start virtual learning again. Little did we know that in March, our schedules and children’s learning would be turned around completely. Whether your school is doing full virtual learning or some, we are all staring a new school year of learning and still trying to get a hang of this new way of life for 2020. We want to try and offer you a few tips to help your child be successful in their new environment of learning.
Tip #1- Structure
Have some structure! You will want to try and come up with somewhat of a schedule to try and help keep you and your child on track! It doesn’t have to be anything very strict, but your children are used to a certain structure in school, and trying to keep some structure will help your children maintain focus on their task and help them be successful for this school year and far into the future. Small things like trying to get dressed for the day by a certain time, making beds, eating breakfast, etc……. You will know what works best for your family and your schedules.
Tip #2- Designated Learning Space
Our next tip is if you have older children or teens to go ahead and make a fun designated learning space for your child/children if possible. Set them up with their own desk and have everything organized that they will need for their school. Make the space inviting for learning and try to make it unique to their personality so that they will actually enjoy the space. If your child is older, they will be spending a lot of time in that space working on their assignments so why not have it fun and inviting?
Tip #3- Turn Normal Things Into Learning Opportunities
Try not to stress over it too much! Many homeschooling parents will tell you it can be an adjustment and sometimes you will have to change things up and that’s okay. Learning is very important and at the same time takes advantage of this time you have with your children right now! Create good memories with your child/children, love on them, and take this extra time to instill the values you want them to have as adults. Use any opportunity you can and turn it into learning. For example, you can bake with your child to help them learn measuring and how everything has to be so precise or it will not come outright. Take advantage of just normal everyday things and turn them into learning.
Tip #4- Ask Questions
If you are unsure of something with the assignments, then be sure to ask. The teachers are there to assist and teach just like they would in the classroom but just now virtually. If your child needs more help, ask the teacher if they could have some extra office hours or another online meeting to get help. Don’t feel bad for asking as that is what the teacher is there for!
These four essential tips will help your child in being successful with virtual learning along with a lot of patience, grace, and some laughs too. It won’t be perfect, but you will get it done! If you are struggling with the thought of this or actually helping with virtual learning, don’t do it alone! We have private educators and nannies that can come to your home and help your child with school. Learn more here.