Time for a chance to see firsthand what it is like to be a nanny! We were able to catch up with a nanny here in California that has worked with Capitol Park Nannies & Staffing (CPN) named Katie! Katie has several years of experience as a nanny and is apart of an amazing family now. She shares all about her, her daily schedule, weekly routine, and her experiences here at CPN.
Hi, there! My name is Katie Beck, I am recently married and have two fur babies named Murphy and Buster. I have been a nanny for the past 11 years and a full-time nanny for the past 4 years. I have been blessed to care for kiddos ranging from 3 months all the way to 18 years old. I have cared for three sets of twins and even sent a nanny kiddo off to college. The longest family I have worked with has been 7 years and they’re more like family to me now.
There are many wonderful reasons to love being a nanny such as the connection to the kids and watching them achieve milestones like walking and learning their first words. Special occasions such as graduations, birthdays, and family gatherings have been something I am grateful to be a part of as well. I love traveling with family’s and doing life with them. I was a travel nanny for 6 weeks back in 2017 and that was incredible! From private jets to beautiful resorts these memories will last forever. Family vacations have always been something I’ve enjoyed since we nannies become an extension of the family, watching the kids enjoy the world is a lot of fun!
I find true joy in my day to day with the children. I am currently caring for two boys who are 4 1/2 and 19 months. COVID-19 has impacted our daily routine with school being out. I am a structured nanny who craves routine and I believe children crave it as well.


Meal Time
Nap Time


Weekly Schedule

I am very blessed to be connected to Rachel at Capitol Park Nannies. I was in a very real transition and didn’t feel the market as a nanny was very strong back in 2017 and I knew I needed guidance from a professional and an advocate. Thankfully that’s just what Rachel is! With her nanny experience, she has created an incredible agency that is honest, thorough, and cares about the families and the nannies equally.
The vetting process on both ends is extensive and helps family’s and nanny’s alike know who they will be potentially working with. There are questionnaires and profiles with details about the job which I like so I can prepare before meeting with the family. Once I meet with the family, a trial week is always recommended so we can as teamwork closely and know if we are the right fit. Without CPN none of these guidelines would have been standard for me as a nanny and I know this helps ensure that family’s and nanny’s work well together. I have been matched with amazing family’s that will leave an impression on my career forever.
We appreciate Katie sharing her routines and more about being a nanny with us. If this piqued your interest and you are curious about becoming a nanny or staffer, check out our information here. We have several available positions that you can view here as well We are here to help you just like we did with Katie and are excited to find the right family for you!